Available Classes
Down the rabbit hole we go.

“BEGIN at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then STOP”.
All new Mad Hatters will start in this class. In this class you will learn the fundamentals of pole including, basic grips, spins, tricks and floorwork fit for a queen. Mastering the basics is so important for the correct development of muscle strength and movement, to help you progress through the pole levels. No previous flexibility, dance or strength skills are needed. Just come and have fun.

“Curiouser & Curiouser……”
You have mastered the beginner moves, and now we start to link them together to form longer, stronger and more complex transitions. We work on improving moves you learnt in beginner, while also adding new moves to your pole repertoire. To move on from this class you must be able to perform a Jamilla, inside leg spin, layout, and a spinning climb.

Progressive 1
"It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards," says the White Queen to Alice.
You are inverting most of the time and are working on dismounting and holding a bat/crucifix. You are starting to climb the pole with ease and are able to hold your progressive moves for much longer. In this class we will continue to work on our progressive tricks and combos to help you get stronger, more confident and become a much rounded dancer. To move on from this class you must be able to perform a open leg jamilla, inside leg spin to layout, advanced layout, and hello boys.

Progressive 2
"Speak in French when you can’t think of the English for a thing-- turn your toes out when you walk--- And remember who you are!"
You can climb up the pole with ease. In this class we work on different entry and exits and work on moves and combos that link the fundamentals together to form more complex and strengthening combos. We start to learn some tricker spins up higher on the pole. To move up from this class you must be able to perform a genie, low falling angel or (low safety side pose), be spinning and climbing, able to perform a side leg hook (hood ornament) and be inverting.

“Would you like an adventure now, or shall we have our tea first?”
You have mastered your inverts and can hold a bat/crucifix and are able to come to the ground for a dismount, you should feel confident on the pole. We start to work on our inside and outside leg hangs and really start to hold our straddle inverts on both sides. We learn some tricker spinning combos, and conditioning exercises focus on building your core strength to be able to lift and hold your own body weight to prepare us for aerial inverts. This class is all about building your upper body, and core strength and control, you will learn to piece together basic spinning and trick combos. To move on from this class you must be able to perform a high falling angel or (high safety side pose up the pole), bent leg lay back, superman from the ground or (from a low safety side pose) and a handstand stag.

Intermediate 1
“You have fallen down the rabbit hole……There is no turning back now”.
By now you should feel confident on the pole and with your inverts. We now start to master our inside and outside leg hangs and really start to hold our straddle inverts on both sides. We learn some tricker spinning combos, and conditioning exercises focus on building your core strength to be able to lift and hold your own body weight. To move on from this class you must be able to perform fold overs, straight leg lay backs, be climbing and inverting, be confidently holding out side and inside leg hangs, and Loretta (star),

Intermediate 2
“I can’t go back to yesterday because I was a different person back then”.
Now we take what we have mastered in inter 1 and link together to form even more beautiful and complex combinations. We start adding more intricate floor work to our routines. To move to the next level, students should be competent in laybacks, have a confident aerial invert into a straddle on both sides, inside/outside leg hangs, star to outsite leg hang, awkward handstands, superman, ballerina and caterpillar climbs.

Intermediate 3
“This is impossible……. only if you think it is”.
In this class you will be learning all your aerial invert tricks and combinations from up high on the pole. All the tricks and combos you have learned down low will now be mastered up high in the sky. Your floor work will be more tricky and insane and you will also introduced be to freestyle dance. We start learning to grip the pole with other parts of our bodies, legs, elbows, knee pits, armpits, you name it we grip with it!!!! We continue working on moves from our Ayesha and our Handsprings and start learning other ways to invert and climb up the pole. To move on from this class you must be able to perform a Shoulder mount, Darryl Hannah, Extended butterfly, Jade Split, Allegra, Handspring, and static v (Ayesha), and front fwd facing hold.

Intermediate 4
“I knew who I was this morning, but I’ve changed a few times since then”.
All those extra body parts and muscles you found out you had last level…..you now will use them to form amazing gravity defying combos and transitions. By now you will be bendy and be able to move your body in ways you never thought possible. The routine will focus on perfecting a high level of complex manoeuvres up the pole. Students will need to display a strong level of technique, control, endurance and performance. You will learn how to master aerial shoulder mounts and how to connect aerial inverts with smooth transitioning.

“Have I gone mad?’’ “I’m afraid so, your entirely bonkers. But I’ll tell you a secrete…All the best people are”.
This level is by invite only and is for those who have mastered all the tricks in our intermediate course to a high standard. Open to students who can show a high level of strength, control and performance confidence. You will work on gravity defying holds, spins and trick combinations, tumbling, drops and complete fitness and stretching exercises designed to help you achieve perfection. Please contact if you think you have what it takes to be in this level.

Beginner/Inter Static Pole
"Why it's simply impassible!".........
"Why, don't you mean impossible? .........
No, I do mean impassible." Hahaha, Nothing's impossible!".
This class introduces all levels of pole dancers to the static pole. In this class you will learn the basic techniques of using a static pole, along with some cool tricks, floor work and combos designed especially for use on the static pole. This class has limited spaces, so you will receive close and personalised instruction, to ensure fast progression (only 6 studens Max) so book in fast.

Naughty Alice
"Don't worry Alice......Wonderland is better when you are completely lost".
This class will guide you through the art of controlled movement and silky smooth transitions. A blend of fierce. sexy dance technique, and powerful floor work choreo. Mad Hatters signature freestyle base work with inclusion of chair and Pole will have you entering maximal sexy Alice mode.

Stretch, Flex & Mobility
“Before Alice got to wonderland, she had to fall pretty hard down a deep whole”.
This class is open to all students and non-students, of all age and fitness levels who would like to increase muscle flexibility and joint mobility. This intense class is designed to get you amazingly warm. Using progressive and active stretching sequences of Pilates, dance, gymnastic and active flexibility exercises, you will learn to master the stretching techniques needed to perfect your splits, backbends and all the bendy combos u are struggling with on the pole.

Technique Mastery
“Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it’’.
For All Students currently enrolled in any class to come and work on all the nitty gritty points they may be struggling with, or to work on their moves to supplement their usual classes. This class can also be booked casually for when you feel you need a little more pole in your life, or booked as part of our VIP Discounted class deal when booked as a course. This class can also be used as a catch up for those who have any outstanding. For catch ups contact Holly so we can manually book you in free of charge.

Pole Play
“Do you suppose she is a wild flower?....”.
A class for students and non students to come a practice their pole tricks, spins, combos and term routines. While an instructor will be present this class in not let by an instructor. This class is $10 for all students and non students and is free for students who have enrolled to 3 or more classes within the same term (ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE UP TO DATE AND PAID ON TIME).

Private Classes
“Who in the world am I?”…..”Ah that’s the great puzzle”.
There is no faster way to achieve your Pole or Aerial goals, then with a private lesson with one of our amazing instructors. If you are looking to take your Pole or Aerial to the next level, or a training for an event or competition, then consider contacting us to book in for a Private lesson.
* See prices under our vip and pricing info under the info article tab *

Mixed Level
‘’How long is forever? Sometimes just a second’’.
This is a pole dancing class suitable for all levels. This class is for anyone who may need a makeup class for the term, or a Mad Hatter just after another pole class to feed their addition. In this class we work predominantly on pole tricks suitable to each individual’s level and we work towards building your strength and flexibility. We work on putting all your pole tricks together into combinations.

Inter Prep
"It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!"
This class is for students who have completed 1 or 2 terms of progressive 2. It is designed to prepare students for the next level of their training and to move on to intermediate classes.
Must be able to invert and climb confidently.